Triennial of Photgraphy Hamburg 2022

Art Direction
Publication Design
Identity Design 
Communication Design
Poster Design 
Merchandise Design
Web Design 
Motion Graphics
The 8th edition of the Triennial of Photography Hamburg is framed around the concept of Currency. We wanted the graphic language of this edition to reflect the concept that currency is universal, relative and always in flux. 
We asked ourselves “How can we signify currency in the context of the art world, and in and around the museum” and to that we found the answer of making it obvious. Inspired by telephone directories and money transfer companies, we created a graphic system that is always charged in information, clear, and direct. The aim was the create a system that always prives the viewer with the maximum amount of information, just like a railway hour board or a Western Union store front. 

This year long project, focused on developing a strong identity language that spilled over a wide aray of deliverables. I was the lead designer on this project, working in coordination with multiple teams involved in the project, from the curators, various museums in Hamburg, Triennial team, carpenters, artists, editors, web developers, and more. I was tasked to develop the website, social media posts, posters, all advertising, promotional and communication assets, maps, signage, merchandise, tickets, pamphlets, postcards and publications

In parallel I also worked on the design of the exhibtion happening at the Diechtorhallen Hamburg 

Studio Safar, 2021–2022

Exhibtion Guide

The Exhibition Guide is published bilingually in English and German, and covers the entirety of the Triennial with all participating museums and artist. 

Critical Reader

The symposium Lucid Knowledge took place September 30 to October 2, 2021. A discursive forerunner to the exhibitions next year, the event gathered together artists, critics, curators, filmmakers, poets, researchers, scholars, and theorists to engage with three key themes, each devised with the aim of deconstructing an aspect of the Triennial's curatorial theme: Narrative Currents, Fields of Perception, and Image as Currency. Fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, the symposium acted as a dedicated site for critical exchange and reflection with lectures, presentations, and roundtable discussions.

These contributions were later collected into a Critical Reader that was published during the openings of the exhibitions in May 2022.

Social Media